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// Internal dependencies
import { OneVsAllClassifier, Classifier } from '../base';
import LinearKernel from '../../kernel/linear';
import * as Arrays from '../../arrays';
import * as Random from '../../random';

 * SVM learner for binary classification problem.
export class BinarySVM extends Classifier {
   * Constructor. Initialize class members and store user-defined options.
   * @param {Object} [optionsUser] - User-defined options for SVM
   * @param {number} [optionsUser.C = 100] - Regularization (i.e. penalty for slack variables)
   * @param {Object} [optionsUser.kernel = null] - Kernel. Defaults to the linear kernel
   * @param {number} [optionsUser.convergenceNumPasses = 20] - Number of passes without alphas
   *   changing to treat the algorithm as converged
   * @param {number} [optionsUser.numericalTolerance = 1e-6] - Numerical tolerance for a
   *   value in the to be equal to another SMO algorithm to be equal to another value
   * @param {boolean} [optionsUser.useKernelCache = true] - Whether to cache calculated kernel
   *   values for training sample pairs. Enabling this option (which is the default) generally
   *   improves the performance in terms of speed at the cost of memory
  constructor(optionsUser = {}) {

    // Parse options
    const optionsDefault = {
      C: 100.0,
      kernel: null,
      convergenceNumPasses: 20,
      numericalTolerance: 1e-6,
      useKernelCache: true,

    const options = {

    // Set options
    this.C = options.C;
    this.kernel = options.kernel === null ? new LinearKernel() : options.kernel;
    this.convergenceNumPasses = options.convergenceNumPasses;
    this.numericalTolerance = options.numericalTolerance;
    this.useKernelCache = options.useKernelCache;

    // Set properties
    this.isTraining = false;

   * Get the signed value of the class index. Returns -1 for class index 0, 1 for class index 1.
   * @param {number} classIndex - Class index
   * @return {number} Sign corresponding to class index
  getClassIndexSign(classIndex) {
    return classIndex * 2 - 1;

   * Get the class index corresponding to a sign.
   * @param {number} sign - Sign
   * @return {number} Class index corresponding to sign
  getSignClassIndex(sign) {
    return (sign + 1) / 2;

   * @see {@link Classifier#train}
  train(X, y) {
    // Mark that the SVM is currently in the training procedure
    this.isTraining = true;

    // Number of training samples
    const numSamples = X.length;

    // Alphas (Lagrange multipliers)
    this.alphas = Arrays.zeros(numSamples);

    // Bias term
    this.b = 0.0;

    // Kernel cache
    this.kernelCache = Arrays.full([numSamples, numSamples], 0.0);
    this.kernelCacheStatus = Arrays.full([numSamples, numSamples], false);

    // Number of passes of the algorithm without any alphas changing
    let numPasses = 0;

    // Shorthand notation for features and labels
    this.training = { X, y };
    const ySigns = y.map(x => this.getClassIndexSign(x));

    while (numPasses < this.convergenceNumPasses) {
      let alphasChanged = 0;

      // Loop over all training samples
      for (let i = 0; i < numSamples; i += 1) {
        // Calculate offset to the 1-margin of sample i
        const ei = this.sampleMargin(i) - ySigns[i];

        // Check whether the KKT constraints were violated
        if ((ySigns[i] * ei < -this.numericalTolerance && this.alphas[i] < this.C)
          || (ySigns[i] * ei > this.numericalTolerance && this.alphas[i] > 0)) {
          /* Now, we need to update \alpha_i as it violates the KKT constraints */

          // Thus, we pick a random \alpha_j such that j does not equal i
          let j = Random.randint(0, numSamples - 1);
          if (j >= i) j += 1;

          // Calculate offset to the 1-margin of sample j
          const ej = this.sampleMargin(j) - ySigns[j];

          // Calculate lower and upper bounds for \alpha_j
          const [boundL, boundH] = this.calculateAlphaBounds(i, j);

          if (Math.abs(boundH - boundL) < this.numericalTolerance) {
            // Difference between bounds is practically zero, so there's not much to optimize.
            // Continue to next sample.

          // Calculate second derivative of cost function from Lagrange dual problem. Note
          // that a_i = (g - a_j * y_j) / y_i, where g is the negative sum of all a_k * y_k where
          // k is not equal to i or j
          const Kij = this.applyKernel(i, j);
          const Kii = this.applyKernel(i, i);
          const Kjj = this.applyKernel(j, j);
          const eta = 2 * Kij - Kii - Kjj;

          if (eta >= 0) {

          // Compute new \alpha_j
          const oldAlphaJ = this.alphas[j];
          let newAlphaJ = oldAlphaJ - ySigns[j] * (ei - ej) / eta;
          newAlphaJ = Math.min(newAlphaJ, boundH);
          newAlphaJ = Math.max(newAlphaJ, boundL);

          // Don't update if the difference is too small
          if (Math.abs(newAlphaJ - oldAlphaJ) < this.numericalTolerance) {

          // Compute new \alpha_i
          const oldAlphaI = this.alphas[i];
          const newAlphaI = oldAlphaI + ySigns[i] * ySigns[j] * (oldAlphaJ - newAlphaJ);

          // Update \alpha_j and \alpha_i
          this.alphas[j] = newAlphaJ;
          this.alphas[i] = newAlphaI;

          // Update the bias term, interpolating between the bias terms for \alpha_i and \alpha_j
          const b1 = this.b - ei - ySigns[i] * (newAlphaI - oldAlphaI) * Kii
                       - ySigns[j] * (newAlphaJ - oldAlphaJ) * Kij;
          const b2 = this.b - ej - ySigns[i] * (newAlphaI - oldAlphaI) * Kij
                       - ySigns[j] * (newAlphaJ - oldAlphaJ) * Kjj;

          if (newAlphaJ > 0 && newAlphaJ < this.C) {
            this.b = b2;
          } else if (newAlphaI > 0 && newAlphaI < this.C) {
            this.b = b1;
          } else {
            this.b = (b1 + b2) / 2;

          alphasChanged += 1;

      if (alphasChanged === 0) {
        numPasses += 1;
      } else {
        numPasses = 0;

    // Store indices of support vectors (where alpha > 0, or, in this case, where alpha is greater
    // than some numerical tolerance)
    this.supportVectors = Arrays.argFilter(this.alphas, x => x > 1e-3);

    // Mark that training has completed
    this.isTraining = false;

   * Calculate the margin (distance to the decision boundary) for a single sample.
   * @param {Array.<number>|number} sample - Sample features array or training sample index
   * @return {number} Distance to decision boundary
  sampleMargin(sample) {
    let rval = this.b;

    if (this.isTraining) {
      // If we're in the training phase, we have to loop over all elements
      for (let i = 0; i < this.training.X.length; i += 1) {
        const k = this.applyKernel(sample, i);
        rval += this.getClassIndexSign(this.training.y[i]) * this.alphas[i] * k;
    } else {
      // If training is done, we only loop over the support vectors
      for (const sv of this.supportVectors) {
        const k = this.applyKernel(sample, this.training.X[sv]);
        rval += this.getClassIndexSign(this.training.y[sv]) * this.alphas[sv] * k;

    return rval;

   * Apply the kernel to two data points. Accepts both feature arrays and training data point
   * indices for x and y. If x and y are integers, attempts to fetch the kernel result for the
   * corresponding training data points from cache, and computes and stores the result in cache if
   * it isn't found
   * @param {Array.<number>|number} x - Feature vector or data point index for first data point.
   *   Arrays are treated as feature vectors, integers as training data point indices
   * @param {Array.<number>|number} y - Feature vector or data point index for second data point.
   *   Arrays are treated as feature vectors, integers as training data point indices
   * @return {number} Kernel result
  applyKernel(x, y) {
    const fromCache = (this.useKernelCache && typeof x === 'number' && typeof y === 'number');

    if (fromCache && this.kernelCacheStatus[x][y] === true) {
      return this.kernelCache[x][y];

    const xf = (typeof x === 'number') ? this.training.X[x] : x;
    const yf = (typeof y === 'number') ? this.training.X[y] : y;
    const result = this.kernel.apply(xf, yf);

    if (fromCache) {
      this.kernelCache[x][y] = result;
      this.kernelCacheStatus[x][y] = true;

    return result;

   * Calculate the bounds on \alpha_j to make sure it can be clipped to the [0,C] box and that it
   * can be chosen to satisfy the linear equality constraint stemming from the fact that the sum of
   * all products y_i * a_i should equal 0.
   * @param {number} i Index of \alpha_i
   * @param {number} j Index of \alpha_j
   * @return {Array.<number>} Two-dimensional array containing the lower and upper bound
  calculateAlphaBounds(i, j) {
    let boundL;
    let boundH;

    if (this.training.y[i] === this.training.y[j]) {
      // The alphas lie on a line with slope -1
      boundL = this.alphas[j] - (this.C - this.alphas[i]);
      boundH = this.alphas[j] + this.alphas[i];
    } else {
      // The alphas lie on a line with slope 1
      boundL = this.alphas[j] - this.alphas[i];
      boundH = this.alphas[j] + (this.C - this.alphas[i]);

    boundL = Math.max(0, boundL);
    boundH = Math.min(this.C, boundH);

    return [boundL, boundH];

   * Make a prediction for a data set.
   * @param {Array.<Array.<mixed>>} features - Features for each data point. Each array element
   *   should be an array containing the features of the data point
   * @param {Object} [optionsUser] - Options for prediction
   * @param {string} [optionsUser.output = 'classLabels'] - Output for predictions. Either
   *   "classLabels" (default, output predicted class label), "raw" or "normalized" (both output
   *   margin (distance to decision boundary) for each sample)
   * @return {Array.<mixed>} Predictions. Output dependent on options.output, defaults to class
   *   labels
  predict(features, optionsUser = {}) {
    // Options
    const optionsDefault = {
      output: 'classLabels', // 'classLabels', 'normalized' or 'raw'

    const options = {

    return features.map((x) => {
      let output = this.sampleMargin(x);

      // Store prediction
      if (options.output === 'raw' || options.output === 'normalized') {
        // Raw output: do nothing
      } else {
        // Class label output
        output = this.getSignClassIndex(output > 0 ? 1 : -1);

      return output;

   * Retrieve the indices of the support vector samples.
   * @return {Array.<number>} List of sample indices of the support vectors
  getSupportVectors() {
    return this.supportVectors;

 * Support Vector Machine (SVM) classification model for 2 or more classes. The model is a
 * one-vs-all classifier and uses the {@link BinarySVM} classifier as its base model. For training
 * individual models, a simplified version of John Platt's
 * [SMO algorithm](@link https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/tr-98-14.pdf)
 * is used.
 * ## Support Vector Machines (SVM)
 * Support Vector Machines train a classifier by finding the decision boundary between the classes
 * that maximizes the margin between the boundary and the data points on either side of it. It is a
 * very intuitive approach to classification. The soft-margin SVM is a modification of this approach
 * where samples are allowed to be misclasiffied, but at some cost. Furthermore, SVMs can implement
 * the "kernel trick", where an implicit feature transformation is applied.
 * This is all implemented in the SVM implementation in JSMLT. For more information about Support
 * Vector Machines, you can start by checking out the [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Support_vector_machine)
 * page on SVMs.
 * ## Examples
 * **Example 1:** Training a multiclass SVM on a well-known three-class dataset, the
 * [Iris dataset](https://github.com/jsmlt/datasets-repository/tree/master/iris#readme).
 * @example <caption>Example 1. SVM training on a multiclass classification task.</caption>
 * // Import JSMLT
 * var jsmlt = require('@jsmlt/jsmlt');
 * // Load the iris dataset. When loading is completed, process the data and run the classifier
 * jsmlt.Datasets.loadIris((X, y_raw) => {
 *   // Encode the labels (which are strings) into integers
 *   var labelencoder = new jsmlt.Preprocessing.LabelEncoder();
 *   var y = labelencoder.encode(y_raw);
 *   // Split the data into a training set and a test set
 *   [X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test] = jsmlt.ModelSelection.trainTestSplit([X, y]);
 *   // Create and train classifier
 *   var clf = new jsmlt.Supervised.SVM.SVM({
 *     kernel: new jsmlt.Kernel.Gaussian(1),
 *   });
 *   clf.train(X_train, y_train);
 *   // Make predictions on test data
 *   var predictions = clf.predict(X_test);
 *   // Evaluate and output the classifier's accuracy
 *   var accuracy = jsmlt.Validation.Metrics.accuracy(predictions, y_test);
 *   console.log(`Accuracy: ${accuracy}`);
 * });
 * @see {@link BinarySVM}
export default class SVM extends OneVsAllClassifier {
   * Constructor. Initialize class members and store user-defined options.
   * @see {@link BinarySVM#constructor}
   * @param {Object} optionsUser User-defined options for SVM. Options are passed to created
   *   BinarySVM objects. See BinarySVM.constructor() for more details
   * @param {Object} [optionsUser] - User-defined options for SVM
   * @param {number} [optionsUser.C = 100] - Regularization (i.e. penalty for slack variables)
   * @param {Object} [optionsUser.kernel] - Kernel. Defaults to the linear kernel
   * @param {number} [optionsUser.convergenceNumPasses = 10] - Number of passes without alphas
   *   changing to treat the algorithm as converged
   * @param {number} [optionsUser.numericalTolerance = 1e-6] - Numerical tolerance for a
   *   value in the to be equal to another SMO algorithm to be equal to another value
   * @param {boolean} [optionsUser.useKernelCache = true] - Whether to cache calculated kernel
   *   values for training sample pairs. Enabling this option (which is the default) generally
   *   improves the performance in terms of speed at the cost of memory
  constructor(optionsUser = {}) {

     * Number of errors per iteration. Only used if accuracy tracking is enabled
     * @type {Array.<mixed>}
    this.numErrors = null;

    // Set options
    this.optionsUser = optionsUser;

   * @see {@link OneVsAll#createClassifier}
  createClassifier() {
    return new BinarySVM(this.optionsUser);

   * @see {@link Estimator#train}
  train(X, y) {
    this.training = { X, y };

    this.trainBatch(X, y);

   * Retrieve the indices of the support vector samples.
   * @return {Array.<number>} List of sample indices of the support vectors
  getSupportVectors() {
    const classifiersSupportVectors = this.getClassifiers().map(
      x => x.classifier.getSupportVectors()
    return Arrays.unique(Array.prototype.concat(...classifiersSupportVectors));