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/* eslint import/prefer-default-export: "off" */

// Internal dependencies
import * as Random from '../random';

 * Split a dataset into a training and a test set.
 * @example <caption>Example with n=5 datapoints and d=2 features per sample</caption>
 * // n x d array of features
 * var X = [[0, 0], [0.5, 0.2], [0.3, 2.5], [0.8, 0.9], [0.7, 0.2]];
 * // n-dimensional array of labels
 * var y = [1, 0, 0, 1, 1]; // n-dimensional array of labels
 * // Split into training and test set
 * var [X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test] = trainTestSplit([X, y], {trainSize: 0.8});
 * // Now, X_train and y_train will contain the features and labels of the training set,
 * // respectively, and X_test and y_test will contain the features and labels of the test set.
 * // Depending on the random seed, the result might be the following
 * X_train: [[0, 0], [0.5, 0.2], [0.3, 2.5], [0.7, 0.2]]
 * y_train: [1, 0, 0, 1]
 * X_test:  [[0.8, 0.9]]
 * y_test:  [1]
 * @param {Array.<Array.<mixed>>} input - List of input arrays. The input arrays should have the
 *   same length (i.e., they should have the same first dimension size)
 * @param {Object} optionsUser - User-defined options. See method implementation for details
 * @param {number} [optionsUser.trainSize = 0.8] - Size of the training set. If int, this exact
 *   number of training samples is used. If float, the total number of elements times the float
 *   number is used as the number of training elements
 * @return {Array} List of output arrays. The number of elements is 2 times the number of input
 *   elements. For each input element, a pair of output elements is returned.
export function trainTestSplit(input, optionsUser = {}) {
  // Options
  const optionsDefault = {
    trainSize: 0.8,

  const options = {

  // Total number of elements
  const numElements = input[0].length;

  // Check whether all input data sets have the same size
  if (!input.every(x => x.length === input[0].length)) {
    throw new Error(`All input arrays should have the same length (i.e., the size of their
      first dimensions should be the same`);

  // Generate list of all possible array indices
  const indices = [...Array(numElements).keys()];

  // Number of training elements
  const numTrainElements = Math.round(numElements * options.trainSize);

  // Take a random sample from the list of possible indices, which are then used as the indices
  // of the elements to use for the training data
  const trainIndices = Random.sample(indices, numTrainElements, false);

  // Create resulting training and test sets
  const trainArrays = input
    .map(trainArray =>
      .filter((x, i) => trainIndices.includes(i))
      .map(x => (Array.isArray(x) ? x.slice() : x))

  const testArrays = input
    .map(testArray =>
      .filter((x, i) => !trainIndices.includes(i))
      .map(x => (Array.isArray(x) ? x.slice() : x))

  // Return train and test sets
  return [...trainArrays, ...testArrays];