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 * JavaScript array manipulation toolkit. Supports both vectors (1-dimensional array), matrices
 * (2-dimensional array) and higher-dimensional arrays. The toolkit implements many elementary
 * array manipulation algorithms, and several algorithms in the domain of linear algebra.

 * Find the shape of an array, i.e. the number of elements per dimension of the array.
 * @param {Array.<mixed>} A - Arbitrarily nested array to find shape of.
 * @return {Array.<number>} Array specifying the number of elements per dimension. n-th
 *   element corresponds to the number of elements in the n-th dimension.
export function getShape(A) {
  if (!Array.isArray(A)) {
    return [];

  const B = getShape(A[0]);

  return B;

 * Deep check whether two arrays are equal: sub-arrays will be traversed, and strong type checking
 * is enabled.
 * @param {Array.<mixed>|mixed} array1 - First array to check or array element to check
 * @param {Array.<mixed>|mixed} array2 - Second array to check ot array element to check. Will be
 *   checked against first array
 * @return {boolean} Whether the two arrays are the same
export function equal(array1, array2) {
  if (!Array.isArray(array1) || !Array.isArray(array2)) {
    return array1 === array2;

  if (array1.length !== array2.length) {
    return false;

  return array1.reduce((r, a, i) => r && equal(a, array2[i]), true);

// Array indexing
// -----

 * Get an arbitrary element from an array, using another array to determine the index inside the
 * first array.
 * @param {Array.<mixed>} A - Array to get an element from
 * @param {Array.<number>} index - Indices to find array element. n-th element corresponds to index
 *   in n-th dimension
 * @return {mixed} Array element value at index
export function getArrayElement(A, index) {
  if (index.length === 1) {
    return A[index];

  return getArrayElement(A[index[0]], index.slice(1));

 * Take a slice out of an input array. Negative indices can be used in both the starting indices and
 * the stopping indices. Negative indices: the negative stopping index is used as the negative
 * offset relative to the last index in the particular dimension.
 * @param {Array.<mixed>} A - Array to extract block from
 * @param {Array.<number>} start -  Array specifying the starting index per dimension. n-th element
 *   corresponds to the number of elements to skip, before extracting the block, in the n-th
 *   dimension. Negative indices are supported.
 * @param {Array.<number>} stop - Array specifying the index to stop at (exclusive) per dimension.
 *   n-th element corresponds to the stopping index in the n-th dimension. Negative indices are
 *   supported. Use null for unlimited offset.
 * @return {Array.<mixed>} Array slice extracted from input array
export function slice(A, start, stop) {
  // Check whether the same number of start and stop indices is supplied
  if (start.length !== stop.length) {
    throw new Error('"start" and "stop" must contain the same number of indices.');

  // Check whether the number of dimensions to slice on does not exceed the number of dimensions of
  // the array
  if (start.length > getShape(A).length) {
    throw new Error('The number of start and stop indices must not exceed the number of input array dimensions');

  // Parse start and end indices for highest dimension
  const parseIndex = (index, allowNull) => {
    if (allowNull && index === null) {
      return A.length;

    if (index < 0) {
      return A.length + index;

    return index;

  const parsedStart = parseIndex(start[0], false);
  const parsedStop = parseIndex(stop[0], true);

  // If this is the deepest dimension where we should slice, simply slice the array
  if (start.length === 1) {
    return A.slice(parsedStart, parsedStop);

  // If it isn't the deepest dimension to slice, slice in the sub-array
  const subslice = [];

  for (let i = parsedStart; i < parsedStop; i += 1) {
    subslice.push(slice(A[i], start.slice(1), stop.slice(1)));

  return subslice;

 * Extract a sub-block of a matrix of a particular shape at a particular position.
 * @deprecated Use slice() instead
 * @param {Array.<mixed>} A - Array to extract block from
 * @param {Array.<number>} offset -  Array specifying the offset per dimension. n-th element
 *   corresponds to the number of elements to skip, before extracting the block, in the n-th
 *   dimension.
 * @param {Array.<number>} shape - Array specifying the number of elements per dimension. n-th
 *   element corresponds to the number of elements in the n-th dimension.
 * @return {Array.<mixed>} Sub-block extracted from array
export function subBlock(A, offset, shape) {
  if (offset.length === 1) {
    return A.slice(offset[0], offset[0] + shape[0]);

  const subblock = [];

  for (let i = offset[0]; i < offset[0] + shape[0]; i += 1) {
    subblock.push(subBlock(A[i], offset.slice(1), shape.slice(1)));

  return subblock;

 * Take a slice out of an array, but wrap around the beginning an end of the array. For example,
 * if `begin` is -1, the last element of the input array is used as the first output element.
 * @param {Array.<mixed>} array - Input array
 * @param {number} begin Index of first array element
 * @param {number} end Index of end of slice range (element with this index will itself not be
 *   included in output)
 * @return {Array.<mixed>} Sliced array
export function wrapSlice(array, begin, end) {
  const result = [];

  for (let i = begin; i <= end; i += 1) {
    const index = ((i % array.length) + array.length) % array.length;

  return result;

 * Set an arbitrary element in an array, using another array to determine the index inside the
 * array.
 * @param {Array.<mixed>} A - Array to set an element in
 * @param {Array.<number>} index - Indices to find array element. n-th element corresponds to index
 *   in n-th dimension
 * @param {mixed} value New element value at index
export function setArrayElement(A, index, value) {
  const B = A.slice();

  B[index[0]] = index.length === 1 ? value : setArrayElement(A[index[0]], index.slice(1), value);
  return B;

// Array construction
// -----

 * Initialize a vector of a certain length with a specific value in each entry.
 * @param {number} n - Number of elements in the vector
 * @param {mixed} value - Value to initialize entries at
 * @return Array Vector of n elements of the specified value
export function valueVector(n, value) {
  return [...Array(n)].map(() => (typeof value === 'function' ? value() : value));

 * Initialize an n-dimensional array of a certain value.
 * @param {Array.<number>} shape - Array specifying the number of elements per dimension. n-th
 *   element corresponds to the number of elements in the n-th dimension.
 * @param {mixed} value - Value to fill the array with
 * @return {Array.<mixed>} Array of the specified with zero in all entries
export function full(shape, value) {
  if (!Array.isArray(shape)) {
    return valueVector(shape, value);

  if (shape.length === 1) {
    return valueVector(shape[0], value);

  return [...Array(shape[0])].map(() => full(shape.slice(1), value));

 * Initialize an n-dimensional array of zeros.
 * @param {Array.<number>} shape - Array specifying the number of elements per dimension. n-th
 *   element corresponds to the number of elements in the n-th dimension.
 * @return {Array.<mixed>}  Array of the specified with zero in all entries
export function zeros(shape) {
  return full(shape, 0);

 * Set all entries in an array to a specific value and return the resulting array. Original array
 * is not modified.
 * @param {Array.<mixed>} A - Array of which entries should be changed
 * @param {mixed} value - Value the array entries should be changed to
 * @return {Array.<mixed>} Array with modified entries
export function fill(A, value) {
  return A.map(B => (Array.isArray(B) ? fill(B, value) : value));

 * Generate n points on the interval (a,b), with intervals (b-a)/(n-1).
 * @example
 * var list = linspace(1, 3, 0.5);
 * // list now contains [1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3]
 * @param {number} a - Starting point
 * @param {number} b - Ending point
 * @param {number} n - Number of points
 * @return {Array.<number>} Array of evenly spaced points on the interval (a,b)
export function linspace(a, b, n) {
  const r = [];

  for (let i = 0; i < n; i += 1) {
    r.push(a + i * ((b - a) / (n - 1)));

  return r;

// Array combination
// -----

 * Concatenate two or more n-dimensional arrays.
 * @param {number} axis - Axis to perform concatenation on
 * @param {...Array.<mixed>} S - Arrays to concatenate. They must have the same shape, except in
 *   the dimension corresponding to axis (the first, by default)
 * @return {Array} Concatenated array
export function concatenate(axis, ...S) {
  if (axis === 0) {
    return [].concat(...S);

  const A = [];

  for (let i = 0; i < S[0].length; i += 1) {
    A.push(concatenate(axis - 1, ...S.map(APrime => APrime[i])));

  return A;

 * Repeat an array multiple times along an axis. This is essentially one or more concatenations of
 * an array with itself.
 * @param {number} axis - Axis to perform repetition on
 * @param {number} numRepeats - Number of times to repeat the array
 * @param {Array.<mixed>} A - Array to repeat
 * @return {Array.<mixed>} Specified array repeated numRepeats times
export function repeat(axis, numRepeats, A) {
  let R = A.slice();

  for (let i = 0; i < numRepeats - 1; i += 1) {
    R = concatenate(axis, R, A);

  return R;

// Elementary vector calculations
// -----

 * Calculate dot product of two vectors. Vectors should have same size.
 * @param {Array.<number>} x - First vector
 * @param {Array.<number>} y - Second vector
 * @return {number} Dot product scalar result
export function dot(x, y) {
  return x.reduce((r, a, i) => r + a * y[i], 0);

 * Calculate the Euclidian norm of a vector.
 * @param {Array.<number>} x - Vector of which to calculate the norm
export function norm(x) {
  return Math.sqrt(dot(x, x));

// Element-wise array manipulation
// -----

 * Multiply each element of an array by a scalar (i.e. scale the array).
 * @param {Array.<mixed>} A - Array to scale
 * @param {number} c - Scalar
 * @return {Array.<mixed>} Scaled array
export function scale(A, c) {
  return Array.isArray(A)
    ? A.map(B => scale(B, c))
    : A * c;

 * Raise all elements in an array to some power. The power to raise the elements to can either be
 * the same number for all elements, in which case it should be passed as a number, or an individual
 * number for all elements, in which case it should be passed as an array of the same shape as the
 * input array.
 * @param {Array.<mixed>} A - Input array
 * @param {number|Array.<number>} y - The power to raise all elements to. Either a {number} (all
 *   elements will be raised to this power) or an array (elements in the input array will be raised
 *   to the power specified at the same position in the powers array)
 * @return {Array.<mixed>} Array containing the input elements, raised to the specified power
export function power(A, y) {
  return Array.isArray(A)
    ? A.map((a, i) => power(a, (Array.isArray(y) ? y[i] : y)))
    : A ** y;

 * Get a copy of an array with absolute values of the original array entries.
 * @param {Array.<mixed>} A Array to get absolute values array from
 * @return {Array.<mixed>} Array with absolute values
export function abs(A) {
  return A.map(B => (Array.isArray(B) ? abs(B) : Math.abs(B)));

 * Calculate element-wise sum of two or more arrays. Arrays should have the same shape.
 * @param {...Array.<mixed>} S - Arrays to concatenate. They must have the same shape
 * @return {Array.<mixed>} Sum of arrays
export function sum(...S) {
  return S.reduce((r, a) =>
    r.map((b, i) =>
      (Array.isArray(b) ? sum(b, a[i]) : b + a[i])

// Array calculations
// -----

 * Sum all elements of an array.
 * @param {Array.<number>} A - Array
 * @return {number} Sum of all vector elements
export function internalSum(A) {
  return A.reduce((r, B) => r + (Array.isArray(B) ? internalSum(B) : B), 0);

// Array shape manipulation
// -----

 * Recursively flatten an array.
 * @param {Array.<mixed>} A - Array to be flattened
 * @return {Array.<mixed>} Flattened array
export function flatten(A) {
  return [].concat(...A.map(x => (Array.isArray(x) ? flatten(x) : x)));

 * Reshape an array into a different shape.
 * @param {Array.<mixed>} A - Array to reshape
 * @param {Array.<number>} shape - Array specifying the number of elements per dimension. n-th
 *   element corresponds to the number of elements in the n-th dimension.
 * @return {Array.<mixed>} Reshaped array
export function reshape(A, shape) {
  const AValues = flatten(A);

  let B = zeros(shape);

  const counters = zeros(shape.length);
  let counterIndex = counters.length - 1;

  let counterTotal = 0;

  let done = false;

  while (!done) {
    B = setArrayElement(B, counters, AValues[counterTotal]);

    // Increment current counter
    counterIndex = counters.length - 1;
    counters[counterIndex] += 1;
    counterTotal += 1;

    // If the end of the current counter is reached, move to the next counter...
    while (counters[counterIndex] === shape[counterIndex]) {
      // ...unless we have reached the end of all counters. In that case, we are done
      if (counterIndex === 0) {
        done = true;

      counters[counterIndex - 1] += 1;
      counters[counterIndex] = 0;
      counterIndex -= 1;

  return B;

 * Get the transpose of a matrix or vector.
 * @param {Array.<Array.<number>>} A - Matrix or vector
 * @return {Array.<Array.<number>>} Transpose of the matrix
export function transpose(A) {
  const ATranspose = zeros([A[0].length, A.length]);

  for (let i = 0; i < A.length; i += 1) {
    for (let j = 0; j < A[0].length; j += 1) {
      ATranspose[j][i] = A[i][j];

  return ATranspose;

 * Pad an array along one or multiple axes.
 * @param {Array.<mixed>} A - Array to be padded
 * @param {Array.<number> | Array.<Array.<number>>} paddingLengths - Amount of padding for each axis
 *   that should be padded. Each element in this array should be a two-dimensional array, where the
 *   first element specifies the padding at the start (front) of the axis, and the second element
 *   specifies the padding at the end (back) of the axis. The nth element of `paddingLength`
 *   specifies the front and back padding of the nth axis in the `axes` parameter
 * @param {Array.<number> | Array.<Array.<number>>} paddingValues - The values to pad each axis
 *   with. See the specification of the `paddingLenghts` parameter for the expected structure
 * @param {Array.<number>} [axes] - Indices of axes to be padded. Defaults to the first n axes,
 *   where n is the number of elements in `paddingLengths`
 * @return {Array.<mixed>} Padded array
export function pad(A, paddingLengths, paddingValues, axes = []) {
  let B = A.slice();

  // Use default axes to padded (first n axes where n is the number of axes used in paddingLenghts
  // and paddingValues)
  if (!axes.length) {
    for (let i = 0; i < paddingLengths.length; i += 1) {

  // Pad all specified axes
  for (let i = 0; i < axes.length; i += 1) {
    const axis = axes[i];
    const currentShape = getShape(B);

    // Determine padding lengths
    let lengthFront = 0;
    let lengthBack = 0;

    if (Array.isArray(paddingLengths[i])) {
      lengthFront = paddingLengths[i][0];
      lengthBack = paddingLengths[i][1];
    } else {
      lengthFront = paddingLengths[i];
      lengthBack = paddingLengths[i];

    // Determine padding values
    let valueFront = 0;
    let valueBack = 0;

    if (Array.isArray(paddingValues[i])) {
      valueFront = paddingValues[i][0];
      valueBack = paddingValues[i][1];
    } else {
      valueFront = paddingValues[i];
      valueBack = paddingValues[i];

    // Shape of padding for front and back
    const shapeFront = currentShape.slice();
    const shapeBack = currentShape.slice();

    shapeFront[axis] = lengthFront;
    shapeBack[axis] = lengthBack;

    // Create padding blocks
    const paddingFront = full(shapeFront, valueFront);
    const paddingBack = full(shapeBack, valueBack);

    B = concatenate(axis, paddingFront, B, paddingBack);

  return B;

 * Randomly shuffle multiple arrays in the primary (first) axis. All input arrays are shuffled
 * simultaneously, i.e., if an element with index i is moved to index j for the first array, the
 * the same happens for the second (and third, etc.) array.
 * @param {...Array.<mixed>} S - Arrays to shuffle. They must have the same size in the primary axis
 * @return {Array.<Array.<mixed>>} Shuffled matrices
export function shuffle(...S) {
  // Copy matrices
  const SPermutated = S.map(A => A.slice());

  // Number of remaining rows
  let remainingRows = SPermutated[0].length;

  while (remainingRows > 0) {
    // Select a random element from the remaining rows and swap it with the first element that has
    // not yet been assigned
    const swapIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * remainingRows);

    for (let i = 0; i < SPermutated.length; i += 1) {
      const tmpRow = SPermutated[i][remainingRows - 1];

      SPermutated[i][remainingRows - 1] = SPermutated[i][swapIndex];
      SPermutated[i][swapIndex] = tmpRow;

    remainingRows -= 1;

  return SPermutated;

 * Permute the axes of an input array. In other words, you can interchange the axes of an
 * n-dimensional input array.
 * @param {Array.<mixed>} A - Array of which the axes should be permuted
 * @param {Array.<number>} newAxes - For the i-th element of this array, specify the index of the
 *   axis in the original array that should be used
 * @return {Array.<mixed>} Array with permuted axes
export function permuteAxes(A, newAxes) {
  // Shape of the input array
  const oldShape = getShape(A);

  // Initialize the output array as all-zeros
  const newShape = newAxes.map(x => oldShape[x]);
  let APermuted = zeros(newShape);

  // Axes are permuted by, for all old array indices, copying the value at that position to the
  // corresponding new position in the output array. This is a really naive algorithm, and could
  // be optimized. The function below iterates over all indices in the i-th original array
  // dimension, and is recursively called until the last dimension is reached
  const permuteAxesStep = (index, step) => {
    for (let i = 0; i < oldShape[step]; i += 1) {
      const oldIndex = [...index, i];

      if (step < oldShape.length - 1) {
        permuteAxesStep(oldIndex, step + 1);
      } else {
        const newIndex = newAxes.map(axis => oldIndex[axis]);
        APermuted = setArrayElement(APermuted, newIndex, getArrayElement(A, oldIndex));

  permuteAxesStep([], 0);

  return APermuted;

// Traditional array functionality
// -----

 * From an input array, create a new array where each element is comprised of a 2-dimensional array
 * where the first element is the original array entry and the second element is its index
 * @param {Array.<mixed>} array Input array
 * @return {Array.<Array.<mixed>>} Output array
export function zipWithIndex(array) {
  return array.map((x, i) => [x, i]);

 * Count the occurrences of the unique values in an array
 * @param {Array.<mixed>} array Input array
 * @return {Array.<Array.<mixed>>} Array where each element is a 2-dimensional array. In these 2D
 *   arrays, the first element corresponds to the unique array value, and the second elements
 *   corresponds to the number of times this value occurs in the original array
export function valueCounts(array) {
  // Create map of counts per array value
  const counts = [];
  const valuesIndex = {};
  let numUniqueValues = 0;

  array.forEach((x) => {
    if (typeof valuesIndex[x] === 'undefined') {
      valuesIndex[x] = numUniqueValues;
      counts.push([x, 0]);
      numUniqueValues += 1;

    counts[valuesIndex[x]][1] += 1;

  return counts;

 * Filter an array and return the array indices where the filter was matched. Corresponds to
 * JavaScript's native Array.filter(), but instead of returning the elements that match the filter
 * criteria, it returns the indices of the elements matching the filter.
 * @param {Array.<mixed>} array - Array to be filtered
 * @param {function(element: mixed, !index: Number): boolean} callback - Callback function to be
 *   used for filtering. This function takes an array element and possibly its index as its input
 *   and should return true when the index should be used (filtered) and false when it shouldn't
 * @return {Array.<number>} Array of array indices in the original array where the array element
 *   matches the filter
export function argFilter(array, callback) {
  return zipWithIndex(array)
    // Filter zipped elements + indices where the element matches the filter
    .filter(x => callback(x[0], x[1]))

    // Map the zipped elements to the indices
    .map(x => x[1]);

 * Sort an array and return the array indices of the sorted elements. Corresponds to JavaScript's
 * native Array.sort(), but instead of returning the sorted elements, it returns the indices of the
 * sorted elements.
 * @param {Array.<mixed>} array - Array to be sorted
 * @param {function(a: mixed, b: mixed): Number} [compareFunction = null] - Callback function be
 *   used for sorting. This function takes two array elements and returns an integer indicating
 *   sort order of the two elements a and b:
 *     < 0  : a before b
 *     == 0 : leave order of a and b unchanged with respect to each other
 *     > 0  : b after a
 *   Defaults to numeric sorting.
 * @return {Array.<number>} Array of array indices such that the elements corresponding with these
 *   indices in the original array are sorted
export function argSort(array, compareFunction = null) {
  const compare = typeof compareFunction === 'function'
    ? compareFunction
    : ((a, b) => a - b);

  return zipWithIndex(array)
    // Sort zipped elements + indices by element value
    .sort((a, b) => compare(a[0], b[0]))

    // Map the zipped elements to the indices
    .map(x => x[1]);

 * Get array key corresponding to largest element in the array.
 * @param {Array.<number>} array Input array
 * @return {number} Index of array element with largest value
export function argMax(array) {
  if (array.length === 0) {
    return null;

  return zipWithIndex(array).reduce((r, x) => (x[0] > r[0] ? x : r))[1];

 * Get unique elements in array
 * @param {Array.<mixed>} array - Input array
 * @return {Array.<mixed>} Array consisting of all unique elements in the input array
export function unique(array) {
  return [...new Set(array)];

// Miscellaneous
// -----

 * Generate a mesh grid, i.e. two m-by-n arrays where m=|y| and n=|x|, from two vectors. The mesh
 * grid generates two grids, where the first grid repeats x row-wise m times, and the second grid
 * repeats y column-wise n times. Can be used to generate coordinate grids.
 * Example input: x=[0, 1, 2], y=[2, 4, 6, 8]
 * Corresponding output:
 *   matrix 1: [[0, 1, 2], [0, 1, 2], [0, 1, 2], [0, 1, 2]]
 *   matrix 2: [[2, 2, 2], [4, 4, 4], [6, 6, 6], [8, 8, 8]]
 * @param {Array.<number>} x - Vector of x-coordinates
 * @param {Array.<number>} y - Vector of y-coordinates
 * @return {Array.<Array.<Array.<number>>>} Two-dimensional array containing the x-grid as the first
 *   element, and the y-grid as the second element
export function meshGrid(x, y) {
  const gridX = transpose(repeat(1, y.length, x));
  const gridY = repeat(1, x.length, y);

  return [gridX, gridY];